
A peach is a soft, round, slightly furry fruit with sweet yellow flesh and pinky-orange skin. The peach probably originated in China and then spread westward through Asia to the Mediterranean countries and later to other parts of Europe.


Peach has yellow or whitish flesh, a delicate aroma, and skin that is either velvety (peaches) or smooth in different cultivars. It is grown worldwide. It is a traditional crop of northern areas of Pakistan which occupies an area of 4543 hectares. The annual production of peach in Pakistan is about 48284 tons. Quetta, Kalat, Peshawar, Swat valley, and certain parts of Kohistan hills are the main growing area of peach.

Name Start Month End Month Shelf life Packing (Gross Weight by sea)
Peach July Augusr 7- 10 days 2.5 kg
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